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InkDrop Media Group is a San Diego, CA based training and consulting company dedicated to help individuals and small businesses make the most of their Macs and Apple iOS devices.
Today, we are trying out Inkdrop! This is a markdown-based note-taking app made for software developers. In fact, this was built by one solo developer as a s. November 2, 2020. 'How do you put into words the work and creativity the girls at Inkdrop have done for our school? I don’t think I can articulate the sense of ease and fun and the creativity that has come from the team at Inkdrop! We are so impressed and happy with the work; it was done in such a professional yet relaxing way.
Inkdrop Arthaus
We provide a number of consulting and creative services as well as personal and group training to help you become more comfortable and experienced with Macs, Mobile Devices, and their software.
This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. English newspapers from around the world. For a change from the same old news stories from the same old news networks, here are links to English online newspapers and news outlets from around the world. We're committed to helping students and teachers experience the power of Inkdrop. If you are eligible, you can get a 60% off discount valid for 12 months. Apply for an educational license below to receive your discount. Proof of eligibility for students and teachers.
Experienced, Patient, and Passionate about the Mac and iOS devices.
Helping Apple enthusiasts since 1990.
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Yes we’re still around, and now were back… just on a smaller scale. just 140 characters at a time.
InkDrop is moving to Twitter for a while. T and I have been too busy with real life/work and have been neglecting our beloved mini awesome blog for too long. We have been Twittering tho. So we figured, why not just move InkDrop and do the same thing we do here and post all the good links and cool stuff to a 140 format.
So my friends (if there are any left), if you have a Twitter account just add @Ink_Drop and start following us. if you don’t have an account, let InkDrop be your excuse to get one.
Inkdrop Review
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